Level 6-5 focuses on high-frequency words that start with either a silent w as part of a 'wr' beginning or a silent k as part of a 'kn' beginning. The ten words used in this level are write, know, known, written, wrong, knife, knit, wrestle, knot, and knock. (We saved 'writing' for planet 9 where we look at how silent 'e' can drop from the end of a verb when an -ing ending is added.) Along with this level, it might be fun for students to work together to generate other words that follow either of these patterns, such as wrist, wriggle, wreck, wrinkle, knuckle, knob, knee, knowledge, and knowing.

For students working on these levels in order, after completing level 6-5, they are now exactly halfway done with Rocket Spelling; that is, they have now conquered exactly 600 of the 1,200 words on this site. Time to celebrate! Because of that, next week we'll be posting some certificates and other award ideas that you could use to recognize students throughout their Rocket Spelling journey. We think taking time for recognition and celebration can help students to stay motivated and excited to keep conquering more words throughout the year.