Our vision here at Rocket Spelling is this: We believe that spelling is an important skill for students to develop, and we believe that students deserve to be taught spelling in a fun, differentiated way that allows them to grow as quickly as possible.

Students who struggle with spelling often conflate spelling with writing and end up thinking of themselves as poor writers. Many times students' spelling woes are completely unnecessary -- they often come about either as the result of instruction that focuses too little time on phonemic awareness, or they come because students simply never were inspired to learn through the traditional weekly spelling test routine.

Rocket Spelling is meant to change the way spelling is practiced in the classroom. By turning spelling into a game, complete with awards, points, and badges, Rocket Spelling gets students excited about conquering as many spelling words as possible. By using 1,200 of the most important high-frequency words in the English language and grouping them into patterns whenever possible, Rocket Spelling focuses students' efforts on the words that will matter most in their reading and writing lives. Rocket Spelling is meant to be a perfect tool to use alongside your normal spelling minilessons, during a word work time, in a center, or even as an at-home tool for your students.

Finally, we at Rocket Spelling want to make spelling more fun for teachers, not just students. Teacher accounts have a progress tab that shows students' individual progress in real time, making data collection a breeze and helping teachers to set up differentiated instruction for individuals and small groups as needed.

We believe so strongly in this mission that we are continuing to give away classroom accounts for the 2017-2018 school year with coupon code 'rocketlaunch'. Please join us in this new way of practicing spelling, and if your students enjoy Rocket Spelling, please spread the word to your colleagues as well!