For each set of words on Rocket Spelling, there are two types of levels: practice and challenge. The practice level is multiple choice, and words that are missed are re-tested later in the list. The challenge level is harder: students must type the word in themselves (without answer choices being provided), and they only get one try for each word.

For each word set, the challenge level is locked by default. A student must first beat the practice level for a certain set of words to unlock that particular challenge level. When a student attains a perfect score on all of the challenge levels for a certain planet, the review level for that planet is unlocked. The review level consists of 20 words instead of 10, and it pulls from all of the words in that set of levels, giving the student an additional chance to review the spelling patterns they had previously practiced.

Once a child earns a perfect score on a review challenge, they'll receive a badge, earn lots of bonus points, and see a color change on that section of the progress map.