Do your students ever wonder about exactly how they are earning certain numbers of points on Rocket Spelling? Here's how the scoring system works:

  1. Students receive 1 point per second when they are actively playing a Rocket Spelling level. These points stop accruing after 30 seconds without answering a question.

  2. Any correct answer on a practice, challenge, or review level earns 100 points.

  3. Earning a perfect score on a practice level is worth 1,000 bonus points. (Can be earned only once per practice level.)

  4. Earning a perfect score on a challenge level is worth 3,000 bonus points. (Awarded once per challenge level.)

  5. Earning a perfect score on a review level (thereby completing that entire planet) is worth 25,000 bonus points. (Awarded once per review level.)

Interestingly, we show students' earned points right away as they work on practice levels. On challenge levels, we wait to award points until the very end of the level, however. As the final results are being revealed, the points are also given. This is done to maximize the suspense for those levels!